Saturday, March 28, 2009

Scott went home on Monday, March 23!  He sounds great and is doing well.  He is eating and his body is handling the food well.  Thank you all for your prayers and thank you all who helped out at their home, nursery, and the new property!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi to all who have been praying with us!! Praise the Lord always, He is awesome!!
Scott has been awake a sitting in a chair, he has started eating. He was afraid to eat at first but he has graduated from clear liquids to soft foods! Scott is still on oxygen and IVs so we are quite a sight walking in the halls with an air tank, an iv pole, and a walker for stability, but that's OK today he walked the farthest so far. I am so proud of how hard he is working to get his strength back. The Doctors say he is on track, as he is able to eat and digest more solid foods they will do another ct scan to see how things look. We are hoping to come home this SOON!
Thanks for all the prayers, love and support, Janie

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No surgery!  About 75% of the pancreas is dead.  He is getting protein through a tube in his nose (no, he can't smell it :) )  Hopefully he'll be home in a couple more weeks.  He sat up in a chair yesterday and felt better.  step by step!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Scott was moved to the step-down unit last night and he looks good. He is tired, but improving. He is being fed protein through the tube in his nose to see how his body handles it. He will be in the hospital for about two more weeks if all goes well.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Surgery may not be necessary. Dr. will monitor for signs that require surgery. Said the dead part of the pancreas will be absorbed by the body.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Doctor team is going to do a CT scan and extract fluid from around the pancreas, analyze it and determine what they need to do from there.

Scott was transferred to Wake Med Hospital last night. I assume the specialist will evaluate and determine when the surgery will take place.

Last night his temp was 101, heart rate was good, was more talkative than previous days, and anxious to get out.

Josh is doing a fantastic job of running the nursery.

Thank you to all who helped on Saturday and who have made meals. You are all appreciated more than you know.